OTMS Mobile Application – An Avant-Garde Approach for Medical Surgery Procedure.Easy. Reliable. Reduce complexity. Improve compliance.OTMS Mobile Application is a simple, modern and productive approach for healthcare organizationsin handling each surgery journey. It provides effective interface, accurate and reliable data capturing and requires only simple user interaction.The application features;one page for everything – users can do all interactions with the app in only one single page,surgical wheel to represent the surgery moments consisting a wheel of icons,a countdown timer to show the countdown to the surgery start time in real time,integration with OTMS web – registered surgeries on OTMS Web will be displayed on mobile anddata can be sync from mobile to the OTMS Web and vice versa,simple tap gesture to capture data during surgeries – enable users to record surgical team check intime and record each surgical moment start time,offline mode to enable data capturing offline,OT swap function to enable last minute swapping operation theatre for surgery from mobile withouthaving to make a change from OTMS Web,a lock button to lock or unlock the screen when required for securing data collection.Users can log into this app using authorized login credentials pre-given by organization.